Thursday, April 29, 2010

A to Z Black And White

























Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5 black and white non portraits photos

Rose: This picture really captured my intrest, because of the lack of color, now I know that this assignment said that it had to be black and white, but this one in particular caught my attention because of the texture, the low key, and I keep going back to the question of "why did he destroy the color of what could have been gorgious rose picture?" I like to be questioning things of that nature. No pun intended.
Hindenburg: This picture is iconic, it is a classic representation of being in the moment, I really love the texture to this picture and I can honestly say that the contrast is very awsome, between the fire and the smoke. This picture you can only wonder how lucky was the man who got the shot.
Key Board: Key boards are by nature black and white, it is a seperation of flats and sharps in the board. They signify this by contrasting the colors. I feel that this picture is awsome in the fact that no matter how you look at it. It has suffistication, and almost an operatic tone.
Snowy Streets of Chicago: This picture really is just beautiful, I don't know what it is about the picture, but I just love the way it looks, the texture, tones, contrast, even the mood is awsome.
WWI German Airplane: The airplane is iconic WWI style it is an early photo, so there is a different feeling to it compared to the other photos, You could tell that the picture is the first of many others to come. This is an original picture an it really brings you back to a time when airplanes were brand new and The Great War is on.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ansel Adams

This picture really caught my eye more than any other, mainly because when you see a nature picture it has all these beautiful colors, that is what it is suppose to do. This picture doesn't, I bet if it was in color it would capture the eye really well. Adams did see so though, and I couldn't agree more. This picture seems nostalgic, timeless, Almost as if it was never touched in one hundred years... I think that is really cool and if it was in color I probably would feel totally different about the picture.
The picture also almost seems unpleasant to me, as if it was breaking a sin, some pictures seem really awesome in black and white. I never felt that a nature picture should be black and white, it almost seems wrong to rob the picture of color, and all the natural beauty it has.
I have mixed feelings about the picture, but i suppose that in the end the picture makes me think, and that is the number one thing I want in art, I want to say, "hmm why did he/she do that?" So in the end I think that this picture is very beautiful and unique.