Wednesday, March 3, 2010

photo critique

This picture is very beautiful. I love the entire scene, with the beach front, the dark sky and the rainbow. You can tell that the photographer has a very great eye. The photographer seemed to put alot of effort in the picture. I mean how else do you find something that seems to be coming right out of a post card!
I do have a couple problems with it. It is very pixilated, I mean, if only he would have used a focus. Also the picture is not photoshoped, I mean we have the technology, and because of this you think he might have brightened it up, or maybe even darkened it. Make the rainbow brighter, SOMETHING with photoshop.
Over all I think this is a very beautiful picture, the person who took this picture did an excellent job, and I know that if this person would have only used photoshop it would have been GREAT!

This Next picture is without a doubt the best picture, it is so poetic. and dangerous, I feel so nervous for the soldier. I also feel pitty for the Afganes behind him. This picture captures my emotions and toiles with them. You wonder what was going through there minds and what was going on through his.

Once again I do find one flaw, the fact that the picture is not edited at all. I feel that It would increase the emotions of the viewers if you could see the unblured Afganes. It would look fantastic if they darkened the sky.

I feel that this picture is top notch.

What I would have done to the first picture.

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